AI ThoughtChain Components Status Style

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AI ThoughtChain Components Status Style

A series of thought chain components built with Tailwind CSS, inspired by Ant Design X's ThoughtChain component. Used to visualize and track the chain of actions and tools called by AI agents.

Included Demos

  • 1. basic.html - Basic Style: Simple thought chain display
  • 2. sizes.html - Size Variants: Large, default and small sizes
  • 3. status.html - Node Status: Success, error and pending states
  • 4. collapsible.html - Collapsible: With expandable content
  • 5. custom.html - Custom Style: With custom content and actions

Key Features

  • 1. Vertical chain layout
  • 2. Node status indicators
  • 3. Collapsible content
  • 4. Multiple sizes
  • 5. Custom node content
  • 6. Interactive states
  • 7. Nested chains


Each demo is a standalone HTML file that can be opened directly in a browser. All demos depend on Tailwind CSS and Remix Icon library.

Reference Design

Component design is inspired by Ant Design X's ThoughtChain component, providing visualization for AI agent action chains.

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