A series of chat input components built with Tailwind CSS, inspired by Ant Design X's Sender component. Used for chat message input with various features.
Included Demos
- 1. basic.html - Basic Style: Simple chat input with submit
- 2. speech.html - Speech Input: With voice input support
- 3. custom.html - Custom Actions: Customizable action buttons
- 4. panel.html - Expandable Panel: With header panel for file upload
- 5. reference.html - Reference Reply: With quote reference
Key Features
- 1. Text input with submit
- 2. Voice input support
- 3. Custom action buttons
- 4. Expandable panels
- 5. Reference/Quote support
- 6. Loading states
- 7. Disabled states
Each demo is a standalone HTML file that can be opened directly in a browser. All demos depend on Tailwind CSS and Remix Icon library.
Reference Design
Component design is inspired by Ant Design X's Sender component, providing various styles for chat message input interfaces.