AI Prompt Component Group Style

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AI Prompt Component Group Style

A series of prompt components built with Tailwind CSS, inspired by Ant Design X's Prompts component. Used to display a set of predefined questions or suggestions related to the current context.

Included Demos

  • 1. basic.html - Basic Style: Simple and clean prompt list
  • 2. card.html - Card Style: Prompts with icons and descriptions
  • 3. group.html - Group Style: Categorized prompts
  • 4. interactive.html - Interactive Style: With animations and hover effects
  • 5. nested.html - Nested Style: Tree structure with sub-prompts

Key Features

  • 1. Prompt list display
  • 2. Grouping and categorization
  • 3. Icons and descriptions
  • 4. Interactive animations
  • 5. Nested structure
  • 6. Click callbacks
  • 7. Disabled states


Each demo is a standalone HTML file that can be opened directly in a browser. All demos depend on Tailwind CSS and Remix Icon library.

Reference Design

Component design is inspired by Ant Design X's Prompts component, with additional styles and interactions. Suitable for AI conversations, search suggestions, quick actions, and more.

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